WHM Favorites

WHM Favorites

We’re pleased to share another great new change we’ve made to WHM based on your feedback: WHM Favorites! With v106, WHM Favorites is located in the Home interface (replacing the Top Tools section)….

Changes In MariaDB’s Release Schedule

Changes In MariaDB’s Release Schedule

MariaDB has announced a significant change in its release schedule. Prior to this change, the major version release was once per year with 5 years of support. As per the announcement however, releases…

Our Supported Translations Update

Our Supported Translations Update

We appreciate your patience as we’ve worked to update and optimize the translations that we offer within the product. We previously spoke about this in this blog post. As stated therein, we are…

Mail Improvements In v104

Mail Improvements In v104

Email is an incredibly important medium for communication, whether it’s used for staying in touch with friends or for business marketing purposes. However, the sheer quantity of spam that exists in the emailsphere…

SQL Improvements in v104

SQL Improvements in v104

Based on your feedback, we’re happy to announce the launch of our new SQL config interface in v104! This new feature was designed to not only save you considerable time, but also relieve…

Jupiter Improvements in v102

Jupiter Improvements in v102

Based on extensive feedback collected across various channels, we are implementing the following updates to Jupiter within v102. Starting in 102.0.11, you’ll see a few major features arrive to Jupiter WHM that should…

WordPress Toolkit Version 5.10 Update

WordPress Toolkit Version 5.10 Update

We are excited to bring you WordPress Toolkit version 5.10, the first major WordPress Toolkit release of 2022! This release focuses on further improving the vulnerability scan feature, delivering bugfixes to customers, and…

Pro Tips For ELevate

Pro Tips For ELevate

We built the cPanel ELevate tool to manage the unique complexities of upgrading a cPanel & WHM server from start to finish.  In order to do this, we upgraded multiple servers in various…

Full cPanel Support For Ubuntu LTS

Full cPanel Support For Ubuntu LTS

In the winter of 2020, CentOS 8 announced that it would be reaching its end-of-life in December of 2021. This news was somewhat unexpected in the open-source and web hosting worlds. In response,…

Updated Paper Lantern Removal Schedule

Back in August of 2021, we announced the deprecation of Paper Lantern. Today we’re updating the schedule for the final stage: its removal. In the previous deprecation schedule, we planned a series of…

We Want To Hear From You

We Want To Hear From You

Your feedback is invaluable to our research and product development. Please take a moment to complete the two surveys below to help us best serve you:

Jupiter, Version 102, and You!

Jupiter, Version 102, and You!

As cPanel & WHM Version 102 nears its release, many of you have reached out to us with feedback about Jupiter, as it appears in the end-user interface as well as WHM. Thank…

VARCHAR vs. TEXT for MySQL Databases

VARCHAR vs. TEXT for MySQL Databases

When you’re building a database for a web application, one of the most impactful decisions is the data type you choose for text data fields. MySQL provides multiple string data types, each with…