WordPress Toolkit Version 5.9 Update

WordPress Toolkit Version 5.9 Update

As we continue making improvements and adding additional functionalities to WordPress Toolkit, we wanted to take a moment to share some of what has changed with our recent 5.8 and 5.9 updates. Many…

Updated Paper Lantern Removal Schedule

Back in August of 2021, we announced the deprecation of Paper Lantern. Today we’re updating the schedule for the final stage: its removal. In the previous deprecation schedule, we planned a series of…

Jupiter, Version 102, and You!

Jupiter, Version 102, and You!

As cPanel & WHM Version 102 nears its release, many of you have reached out to us with feedback about Jupiter, as it appears in the end-user interface as well as WHM. Thank…

cPanel SEO Has Launched

cPanel SEO Has Launched

You’ve likely seen our requests for beta testers over the past few months, as well as the mentions in our newsletter – it’s been no secret that a new product was on the…

A Farewell To Paper Lantern

A Farewell To Paper Lantern

With the introduction of the Jupiter theme in version 98, you may have wondered about the fate of Paper Lantern. Today we officially announce Paper Lantern’s deprecation and its eventual removal from the product. What does this mean for you? If…

The Deprecation Of Retro

The Deprecation Of Retro

In 2015, we created Retro as a temporary style to help ease the transition to Paper Lantern for our X3 users. The Retro style has far outlived its life expectancy, and it has now come time to officially bid Retro a…

Linked Mail Nodes

Linked Mail Nodes

As an exciting new way to optimize your hosting environment, we’re happy to introduce Linked Mail Nodes. This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about this great new feature…

cPanel® Contract And Policy Updates

cPanel® Contract And Policy Updates

cPanel cares about transparency.  We recently updated a number of our contracts and policies. The following contracts and policies were updated: End User License Agreement (EULA) Technical Support Agreement (TSA) Pricing and Term Agreement…

Ubuntu LTS And Full cPanel® Support

Ubuntu LTS And Full cPanel® Support

In late 2020, CentOS 8 announced that it would be reaching its end-of-life in December of 2021. This news was rather unexpected in both the open source and web hosting worlds. In response,…

NGINX® Caching And cPanel® Version 96

NGINX® Caching And cPanel® Version 96

Caching, for our purposes here, is the temporary storage of website files in such a way (and often in various locations) that results in significantly faster website loading times for the end users….

AlmaLinux And Full cPanel® Support

AlmaLinux And Full cPanel® Support

When it was announced in late 2020 that CentOS 8 would reach its end-of-life in December of 2021, both the open source and web hosting worlds were understandably taken a bit by surprise….

Join cPanel at CloudFest 2021 Online

Join cPanel at CloudFest 2021 Online

CloudFest is the world’s largest Cloud Computing and Web Hosting conference. What started as a single WebHostingDay back in 2004 in Cologne, Germany, has evolved into an international three-day Cloud Festival, all taking place in Germany’s…

Updated End User License Agreement

Updated End User License Agreement

We’ve recently updated our End User License Agreement.  The primary purpose of this update is to include the European Union’s “Standard Commercial Clauses” (SCC) in our Data Processing Agreement (DPA).  cPanel is providing…