cPanel® Contract And Policy Updates

cPanel cares about transparency.  We recently updated a number of our contracts and policies. The following contracts and policies were updated:

  • End User License Agreement (EULA)
  • Technical Support Agreement (TSA)
  • Pricing and Term Agreement (PTA)
  • Data Processing Agreements (DPA)
    • Exhibit 9 to the PartnerNOC Agreement
    • Standard DPA
  • Privacy policy

Changes To Customer Agreements

The following changes were made to the EULA, TSA, PTA and DPAs:

  • The definition of a “Beta Version” was changed to remove “cPanel Solo” from the definition (EULA);
  • The definition of “Manage Interface” was changed to provide a definition for the term “Incident” (EULA);
  • We added section 6.2(a) to discuss “Beta Software” (EULA);
  • Clarified in section 2.1 of the TSA the support we provide for Beta Versions of our Software;
  • Defined the terms “Account,” “Updates,” and “Incident” in the TSA;
  • Clarified our policy regarding cancellation of monthly licenses in the TSA; and
  • We made typographical corrections (EULA)(TSA)(PTA)(DPA)(Exhibit 9)

For questions or more information about these changes, please email

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

Twice per year cPanel reviews its privacy policy for updates.  While the last update of our privacy policy was in April of 2020, it was reviewed again in the fall of 2020, but no updates were made.  We reviewed our privacy policy in January of 2021, and made the following updates. They are effective as set out in the Privacy Policy, and your contract with us.

  • Typographical errors were corrected
  • The “” site was added to the definition of “Corporate Sites”
  • We’ve expanded the list of items that are included in our disclosure of activity monitoring.  In past versions of the privacy policy, this list only included cookies.  We’ve added additional activity monitoring technologies to Schedule 3.  Accordingly, the Privacy Policy was updated to make the scope of these technologies clear.  We’ve added the following additional activity monitoring technologies:
    • was added to hotjar tracking;
    • Reddit pixel tracking was added to, and;
    • Twitter pixel tracking was added to,, and;
    • Facebook pixel tracking was added to,,, and; and
    • LinkedIN tracking was added to,,, and
  • was added to the list of sites on which Google Tag Manager is used.
  • We added a description of how we use “Google Remarketing.”
  • Schedule 1 (Personal Information Collected) was updated to disclose collection and use of certain optional personal information that may be collected from Beta Program participants.

cPanel cares about how your information is used.  If you have any questions about these updates, our privacy policy, or our use of information in general, please email

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