Reddit And Your Business

Reddit And Your Business

Per Backlink, Reddit sees over 400 million users a month and 52 million a day.  As the sixth most popular social network in the world, it’s something of a social media juggernaut. Its…

TikTok And Your Business

TikTok And Your Business

Even if you’re not a fan of TikTok’s short video format, you can’t deny that it’s gained immense popularity in 2021. With 689 million monthly users worldwide and over a million videos viewed…

YouTube And Your Business

YouTube And Your Business

Unsurprisingly, YouTube has seen usage skyrocket as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. More people than ever are tuning in to the video platform, including our very own YouTube channel, seeking everything from…

Meditations On Software And UI Updates

As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, your favorite application, software, or website is going to eventually (and periodically) be redesigned. Odds are, at first, that you aren’t going to initially be…

Discord And Your Business

Discord And Your Business

In the last year, millions of people experienced the transition from office work to remote work. There are many upsides to working from home, but it takes some getting used to, especially where…

Social Content And Your Business

Social Content And Your Business

Social media. Before it existed, no one needed it. Now that it does exist, everyone needs it… including your business. Fundamentally, and for better or worse, social media is literally just content. But…

Twitch And Your Business

Twitch And Your Business

We have all become very familiar with live video over the last year. Whether you love or loathe video meetings, there’s no denying Zoom and its peers kept the world turning in 2020….

The 80/20 Principle And Your Business

The 80/20 Principle And Your Business

The 80/20 Principle, also known as The Pareto Principle, states that 80% of the results are derived from 20% of the causes. Those familiar with the concept generally agree that it is more…

Disaster Recovery And Why It Matters

Disaster Recovery And Why It Matters

Zombie apocalypse. Random meteor collision. Electromagnetic pulse from the Sun. Or maybe just a crashed hard drive that has no backup. But don’t forget volcanoes. Or vampires! These are just a few examples…